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Latest News About Corporate Gifts


The Rising Star Awards-Worley Engineering Singapore Pte Ltd

Worley Engineering Singapore Pte Ltd deliver project and asset services for the energy, chemicals and resources sectors around the world. The globally diverse, deep technical knowledge and engineering expertise provides the customers with the best technical solutions.​ ​

Worley Engineering Singapore Pte Ltd selected the rising star awards as souvenirs. Of the Star Awards, this beautiful Rising Star Award is a great choice. The star is the symbol of emerging talent or the mega-accomplishment of an existing genius. Honor that achievement with these singular star awards mounted to hand-cut optical crystal bases. These unique award decorating options are a cost effective way to customize your trophy and enhance your brand. Also it is ideal solutions for tight timelines wanting custom awards and large organizations or awards ceremonies.

Tel: +65 3158 6052


原文見: The Rising Star Awards-Worley Engineering Singapore Pte Ltd | SourceEC - Corporate Gifts Singapore | Promotional Gifts | Door Gifts Blog

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