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Happy Valentine's Day -- you can spread your love around

Happy Valentine's Day -- you can spread your love around

People will take off their scarves and gloves in freezing weather and give them to homeless people, and get them to a shelter because they know where the shelters are. "God on the street," is what some people call it, referring to the person they're helping (although it can happen without religion).

Do you see a homeless person who needs your help? If you're nervous about approaching them, why not call your local shelter and find out what people need? You can donate to a shelter helping the homeless, whether it's a meal or warm socks or protein bars and give them what they need on Valentine's weekend.

Tel: +65 3158 6052

原文見: - | SourceEC - Corporate Gifts Singapore | Promotional Gifts | Door Gifts Blog
Happy Valentine's Day -- you can spread your love around Reviewed by Souvenir on 9:30 AM Rating: 5

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