The Best Gifts Aren't Gift Baskets
Gifts should be fun. Gifts should be memorable. Gift baskets aren't either of those things, they're just the pomped-up, over-wrapped safety option that costs more to ship than a gift card.
Want to make a real impression?
Want to give something that you'll talk about for years? Send a freakin' Man Crate. Our awesome gifts ship in a fiendishly sealed wooden crate with an included, laser-etched crowbar. You can open and forget 1,000 gift cards in the time it takes an average guy to open his first Man Crate.
It makes sense that awesome gifts for guys would be made by guys. Who knows what we like better than us? And if you can't picture a warehouse full of dudes carefully stuffing wicker gift baskets with fake grass and tying tiny golf-themed ribbons on stuff, maybe it's because guys don't actually want any of that. Check out our full catalog of great gifts for guys, all backed by our 100% high-five guarantee.
We are Man Crates, and we say down with gift baskets.
We say 'no' to ugly neckties, aftershave and executive trinkets. We don't save wrapping paper, we don't do ribbons.
We ship bragworthy gifts for guys. Gifts that you can't wait to arrive because you know the recipient will love opening them.
Gifts that people gather round at the office, people following the sounds of wood being torn from wood by the included, laser-engraved crowbar.
We are Man Crates, and we deliver awesome gifts for men.
Tel: +65 3158 6052
原文見: The Best Gifts Aren't Gift Baskets| SourceEC - Corporate Gifts Singapore | Promotional Gifts | Door Gifts Blog
The Best Gifts Aren't Gift Baskets
Reviewed by Souvenir
9:30 AM