Healthy Things to Do between Christmas and New Year's
Healthy Things to Do between Christmas and New Year's
This week is the perfect time to tie up the loose ends of 2015 and make a plan for healthy new beginnings. Here are some great ways to get started.
1. Stock up on the good stuff. Now that you have more room in your fridge with the store box gifts, stock it up with healthy stuff like fruits, veggies, lean meats, whole grains and quick and healthy snacks.
2. Make moving a priority. Daily exercise is good, but if there is one thing we learned in 2015, it's that 30 minutes on the treadmill does not erase eight (or more) hours of sitting for the rest of the day. To that end, look for ways to incorporate more movement into your day. Take your dogs for a morning or evening walk, park a little further from the store entrance, take the stairs instead of the elevator or do some jumping jacks during the commercial breaks of your favorite show.
3. Catch up on your zzz's. All year long you have dashed around in the mornings getting your kids ready for school and yourself ready for work, errands and whatever else was facing you that day. So use this week — when the kids are out of school and things are likely much slower at work — to sleep in when you can or get to bed a little earlier each night. Studies show that sleep is as good for your mind as it is for your body. Even have a break with the Comfort Travel Pillow on your trip.
4. Make a plan for 2016. Is your goal for the new year to lose weight? Exercise more? Eat less red meat? Don't just say the words, make a plan for getting it done. For example, if you plan to exercise more, figure out what exercises you will do and when you will do them. Schedule the first week of workouts into your calendar so they don't get overlooked. If you want to eat less meat, make a list of recipes for meat-free meals you will make in place of your usual dinners. If you have a plan, you're much more likely to put it into action and make it happen in the new year.
Tel: +65 3158 6052
原文見: - | SourceEC - Corporate Gifts Singapore | Promotional Gifts | Door Gifts Blog
This week is the perfect time to tie up the loose ends of 2015 and make a plan for healthy new beginnings. Here are some great ways to get started.
1. Stock up on the good stuff. Now that you have more room in your fridge with the store box gifts, stock it up with healthy stuff like fruits, veggies, lean meats, whole grains and quick and healthy snacks.
2. Make moving a priority. Daily exercise is good, but if there is one thing we learned in 2015, it's that 30 minutes on the treadmill does not erase eight (or more) hours of sitting for the rest of the day. To that end, look for ways to incorporate more movement into your day. Take your dogs for a morning or evening walk, park a little further from the store entrance, take the stairs instead of the elevator or do some jumping jacks during the commercial breaks of your favorite show.
3. Catch up on your zzz's. All year long you have dashed around in the mornings getting your kids ready for school and yourself ready for work, errands and whatever else was facing you that day. So use this week — when the kids are out of school and things are likely much slower at work — to sleep in when you can or get to bed a little earlier each night. Studies show that sleep is as good for your mind as it is for your body. Even have a break with the Comfort Travel Pillow on your trip.
4. Make a plan for 2016. Is your goal for the new year to lose weight? Exercise more? Eat less red meat? Don't just say the words, make a plan for getting it done. For example, if you plan to exercise more, figure out what exercises you will do and when you will do them. Schedule the first week of workouts into your calendar so they don't get overlooked. If you want to eat less meat, make a list of recipes for meat-free meals you will make in place of your usual dinners. If you have a plan, you're much more likely to put it into action and make it happen in the new year.
5. Take time to read. Use the lull between Christmas and New Year's to finish up that book you've been reading all year or start (and finish) a new one. Whether you want to learn something new or just find a way to tune out, reading can recharge your mental health and help your focus in other areas of your life.
6. Volunteer. Boost your mental and physical health by volunteering in a way that gets you up and moving.Try picking up trash at your local park, cleaning up graffiti at the playground or taking the dogs at your local animal shelter for a walk.
Tel: +65 3158 6052
原文見: - | SourceEC - Corporate Gifts Singapore | Promotional Gifts | Door Gifts Blog
Healthy Things to Do between Christmas and New Year's
Reviewed by Souvenir
9:30 AM