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APS Swim School (S) Pte Ltd-Dry It Towel

APS Swim School was established in 1995. The APS Swim School is set up with the aim to promote and teach the sport of swimming with an element of professionalism.

When you intent the swim course, APS Swim School (S) Pte Ltd sent the dry it towel, as the gift to you. This super absorbent sport towel is great for anything from a short walk to an intense workout at the gym. Easily wipe off your face, hands and neck with this towel to stay dry, cool and comfortable. This mildew-retardant towel is also great for drying down cars after washing. Made of a soft PVA material that is designed with a mesh-like construction, for a perfect non-slip texture. Towel is 66x43x0.2 CM and slopes easily over your shoulders and reduces the risk of it falling off while on your jog.

Tel: +65 3158 6052

原文見: APS Swim School (S) Pte Ltd-Dry It Towel | SourceEC - Corporate Gifts Singapore | Promotional Gifts | Door Gifts Blog
APS Swim School (S) Pte Ltd-Dry It Towel Reviewed by Souvenir on 9:30 AM Rating: 5

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